Strengthening Early Years to Kindergarten Transitions

SEY2KT 2021-2022


It is such a pleasure to be working together this year. On this page, we will provide updates month by month, and all of our slides will be available for you to download and use. We also encourage you to go to the Resources & Tools page so you can dig deeper into the practices and tools as they fit for you.

 Session 1: October


Homework Activities

Focus for this month: What are we trying to emerge?

Continue to share your personal visions.

Connect with team members to work on your collective vision.

Be prepared for mini-updates next session & 2 site presentations

Links to relevant resources & tools

Settling & Intention Setting - This is a settling and intention setting (3 - 5 minute) guided meditation. There are many ways to undertake this exercise.  The key is to provide a mechanism for all to arrive into the session with awareness and intention.

The Check in - Besides giving everyone a chance to enter fully into each meeting with others, this practice can help your team members to tap into their aspirations and creative orientation. This is the foundation for a shared vision, collective energy and understanding.

Setting the Stage - Creating a culture for your SEY2K work together that is safe and where participants feel trust and confidence allows the group to negotiate some difficult and potentially conflictual dialogues, and to focus on generative conversations that lead to impact.

Personal Visioning - Unearthing a personal vision for all aspects of our lives and aligning this personal vision with the collective SEY2K vision enables us to more fully leverage the power of our passion and commitment, and to monitor whether our actions remain aligned to our vision as we progress.

Collective Visioning - Like the personal visioning exercise,  a process of building shared aspiration/or vision amongst our collective is essential.  This aspiration guides collective planning, and is grounded on a foundation of  personal visions and aspirations. 

 Session 2: November


Homework Activities

Focus for this month: Self Leadership & Systems Thinking

Continue to find Creative Tension between your vision & current reality. Create a map that expresses this and can communicate your understanding to others.

Work on your own Personal Journey and arrange time at meetings (or a meeting) where your group can share. Remember to share only what you feel comfortable about with your team!

Links to relevant resources & tools

Creative Tension - The practice of Creative Tension involves learning to hold both an individual or collective vision and a clear picture of the current reality.

Personal Journey - We all bring our experiences, our passions, our dreams, our values and our assumptions. Bringing these into awareness provides a deeper understanding to our roles and influence as actors in the broader system.

Self Leadership - As we build our self leadership, we need to pay attention to some of the tools and practices that can help us: personal reflection, present awareness and mindfulness practice, self compassion and broad compassion. We will be deepening and growing our awareness and practice of these throughout the next sessions.

 Session 3: February


Homework Activities

Focus for this month: the links between your Creative Tension chart and the Iceberg

Iceberg(s) - revisit old icebergs or create a new one to unpack a persistent problem/challenge.

Personal journey - continue to deepen your relational practice by completing and sharing your personal journeys.

Links to relevant resources & tools

The Iceberg - The iceberg provides a framework for understanding an entire system and reminding us to not focus solely on a particular problem or event, but to dig deeper.

Personal Journey - Continue with this work. We all bring our experiences, our passions, our dreams, our values and our assumptions. Bringing these into awareness provides a deeper understanding to our roles and influence as actors in the broader system.

Collective Visioning - Like the personal visioning exercise,  a process of building shared aspiration/or vision amongst our collective is essential.  This aspiration guides collective planning, and is grounded on a foundation of  personal visions and aspirations. 

Self-compassion - Self-compassion is: the ability to notice our own suffering, discomfort or pain; to see this on the context of common humanity and how others are connected to us through a shared experience; and our own willingness show ourselves the same kindness that we would a good friend or loved one.

 Session 4: April


Community Sharing

(downloads) Sunshine Coast Surrey Creston Salmo

Homework Activities

Go Deeper with the Integrated Framework and approach to Compassionate Systems Leadership. Consider complexity, emergence, relational concepts and leverage.

Links to relevant resources & tools

The Integrated CSL Framework provides a comprehensive way to think about and to build transformational strategies. It outlines four main domains of action that need to be held in balance and tension as you unfold your CSL activities. All four are critical to a complete CSL approach. And all of the other CSL tools and practices are woven through and support them all.

Compassionate Systems Leadership Tools - A complete repository of the tools and skills that we use in our CSL approach.